001-013 Criminal Minds 014-020 Doctor Who (spoilers for series 3) 021-080 CSIverse (miami-menstills, greg-stillness, minorcsi-stills, menofcsi-stills and ny-stills icontest enteries + misc seasons of Miami) 081-083 Gossip Girl 084-089 The Devil Wears Prada 090-092 Loving Annabelle 093-095 The Quiet 096-098 Tegan and Sara 099-110 Paolo Nutini
Lot's of Flack in this one cause he was just super yummy and I'm becoming a fangirl. Spoilers for those who haven't seen the episode. I don't think they're that many, but just in case.
01-03 Lady Heather (CSI) 04-00 Sora/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
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